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Step 1: 
Choose Your Business Name 

The first step in forming an LLC is choosing a name for your business. The name should be unique and it must include one of the following terms or abbreviations: “limited liability company”, “limited company”, “L.L.C.”, “LLC” or “LC”. 

Additionally, certain words may not be used unless you obtain special permission from certain agencies (such as Bank or Insurance). You can check availability of your desired name by visiting the Indiana Secretary of State website. 

Step 2: 
File Your Articles of Organization 

Once you have chosen a name for your LLC, you will need to file Articles of Organization with the Indiana Secretary of State’s office. This document includes basic information about your business such as its name and address as well as any additional details that may be required by law (such as who will manage the company and what type of services it will offer). You can download a copy of this document on the Secretary’s website or contact their office directly for assistance with completing it correctly.  

Step 3: 
Create An Operating Agreement 

An operating agreement is important when forming an LLC because it spells out how your company will be managed and what rights each member has within it. This document should include details such as how profits are distributed among members, who is responsible for making decisions about business operations and what happens if someone wants to leave or join the company at some point in time. It is also important to make sure that everyone involved understands this document so that any potential disputes can be avoided down the line.  

Step 4: 
Obtain Necessary Licenses & Permits 

If you plan on selling goods or services in Indiana, then you may need to obtain certain licenses or permits in order to do so legally. For example, businesses that sell food items may need a Food Service License while those that provide professional services such as accounting or legal advice may need Professional Licenses from specific agencies depending on which service they are offering. It is best to research these requirements ahead of time so that everything is taken care of before starting operations officially.

Step 5:
Register Your Business With The IRS

Once all other steps have been completed successfully, then it’s time to register with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This process involves obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) which serves as identification for tax purposes and helps protect personal assets from potential liabilities associated with running a business. You can apply for this number online at IRS’s website free of charge but keep in mind that there are different fees associated with certain types of businesses so make sure you check those before filing anything else with them formally.